Aspire’s Vision:  

A community where people of all abilities live, learn, and grow together.

Aspire serves more than 1,000 children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families in the Chicagoland area. From its inception over 50 years ago, Aspire has pushed the boundaries of what is possible for people with disabilities. Today, we continue to promote models of inclusion ahead of society’s expectations. Through partnerships with companies such as Walgreens and OfficeMax, we are creating new, innovative enterprises that open up possibilities and support people with disabilities in achieving them.

Aspire Adult Services includes an array of housing options, employment enterprises, and life skills training that help adults achieve new levels of independence and active participation in their community.

Aspire Children’s Services assists children with developmental delays and disabilities through pediatric therapies, educational and inclusion services, and family support. Our family-centered services help children reach important developmental milestones and build a solid foundation for future independence.

Emerson’s Story

Raising a child with special needs is the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life. My son, Emerson (10), was born with a rare chromosome disorder (8p deletion) resulting in severe developmental delays across the board. 

Not knowing where to turn when we received this diagnosis, we were fortunate to have found Aspire. Not only did Emerson begin therapies with Aspire, my husband and I took advantage of the programs they had to offer for families. The men's group helped my husband connect with other fathers and discuss how he was feeling and what he was going through. I joined the Aspire’s Beautiful Children Fashion Show committee and connected on so many levels with the moms in my same situation. My husband and I also got marriage counseling after one of Emerson's therapist's from Aspire noticed that something was a little "off" between us...even when we didn't notice. 

The bottom line is, Aspire has literally saved our lives and I am eternally grateful. We've been an Aspire family for what feels like an eternity. And anytime I try to describe Aspire the first or second thing to come out of my mouth is usually – our second family.

As a not-for-profit organization, Aspire relies heavily on the generous support of sponsors for their successful events. When you sponsor Big City Night a la Cirque, you help children and families, like ours, aspire to a world of new possibilities.

                                                               Candi Carter

                                                               Event Chair, Big City Night a la Cirque



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Aspire’s Vision

Thank you to our generous sponsors!